Contact Price Booking

Rates and Booking
Phone:     +33 6 12 82 20 57
                 74400 CHAMONIX Mont Blanc
VALLEE BLANCHE: 400 euros for a team from 1 up to 4 personns ( 15 euros more per extra people above 4 personns) including snow beepers and harnesses on glacier. Groups of more than 6 personns are not recommanded.
Booking  with a cheque, a fund tranfert, or a paypal transfert.
The amount of the deposit is 30 % of the guiding fees. (precisely 100 euros deposit per day)
Payment in full is required on the first day.
The guide is a professionnal who respects his group and the participants respect also his work. The guide is the only manager of the activities.
Thus, according to the conditions, the group level or others, the guide can change the program and can propose other descents in the Mont Blanc range.
For avoiding any commercial pressure which is harmful to safety decisions, it's essential to allow the guide to arrange the program without losing his day guide.
The guide can decide to cancel, In this case, we give back the deposit.
The cancellation is decided only by the guide, being in a good place to judge the situation.
This is more professional.and more reliable The planing is well organized and you show your personnal investment. (without deposit, there are 40 % of cancelation on internet)
Reimbursement if cancellation occurs with more than 60 days notice, reimbursement 50% with more than 30 days notice and kept if  you cancel less than 30 days before.
If the guide cancels the activities, the deposit is fully reimbursed.
You must make sure that you are fully insured with a policy that includes repatriation and all medical costs.